Have you ever wondered if there are ways you can make your employees feel more valued? Do you want to figure out how to make them feel respected, and even needed? Here are a few questions you can ask your employees to help them feel like working for their company is exactly what they need to be doing. These questions can also help you to build trust with your employees.
How are you doing?
This one is simple. It’s the question you probably ask everyone you meet. Ask your employees the same question, and truly mean it. It’s easy to let it slip out of your mouth, wait for an answer, and move on to the next question, but if you really want to build trust with your employees, take the time to let them know you care about them.
How happy are you in your position?
The answer to this question will determine where the rest of your conversation needs to go. If your employee hits a more serious tone, you might need to address their concerns before moving onto the next few questions. If the employee genuinely feels happy and content in their position, the rest of the questions should lead to deep, in-depth conversations. Those conversations can help you to develop your relationship with that employee, and they might even lead you to insights on how you can continue to develop your company. Happy employees can serve as the best allies. Employees who are happy have also been found to be more productive , so it’s a win-win situation.
What do you help with? How can I help you become even more successful?
Ask your employees what they need help with. By offering them the help that they truly need, you are helping them to meet their goals along with the expectations that you have for them.
Is there anything you really want to work on?
This question gives you the opportunity to get to know your employees. If an employee has something they would like to work on, they will be more motivated and excited to do it. When people are happy to show up to work, the entire workplace environment will become enriched and so much more productive.
What are some of your biggest goals?
This goal question also allows you to get to know the people who work for you. If the employee really opens up about their goals, it can give you the information you need to make sure that they are in the right place to be reaching those goals. Again, if employees feel like they are right where they are supposed to be, the whole company will thrive.
Do you feel appreciated and valued here?
It is so important that your employees feel valued. Studies have shown that employees who feel valued and appreciated are much more likely to stay in their position. This is one of our greatest missions at CAREit . We truly believe that when employees feel valued, they bring so much more to the table. That’s why we have created an incentive structure that rewards employees for staying. It perpetuates the positive cycle of growth in terms of individuals, company culture, and the growth of businesses overall.